

"We use colors, but we paint with our feelings."
(Jean-Simeon Chardin)

Only a few of Rachev’s works from his great artistic heritage are presented here. Among them are his sketches of animal life and illustrations to well-known books as well as his wooden sculptures.

Here you can leaf through some children’s books illustrated by Evgenii Rachev.

Illustrations for Russian folktales

«The Wolf and Seven Kids» «The Hare-Boaster» «The Fox and the Thrush» «Царевна-лягушка»
«Gray-Forehead the Cat, the Ram, and the Goat» «Петушок-золотой гребешок» «The Fox and the Wolf»
«The Roly-Poly (Kolobok)» «The Peasant and the Bear» «Tale about the Silly Dragon and the Clever Soldier» «Маша и медведь»

Illustrations to «Tales for Alyonushka» by D. Mamin-Sibiryak

Ukrainian folktales

«The Silly Wolf» «» «The Mitten» «The Mitten»

Belarusian folktales

«» «The Fly-Singer» «The Fly-Singer» «»

Northern Fairy Tales

«The Cookie» «The Lost Song» «Отчего у зайца длинные уши» «Упрямый куличок»

Characters from Bulgarian folktales «Yezhko-Bezhko and The Son»

Fables by Ivan Krylov

«The Wolf in the Kennels» (The fable is about Napoleon) «The Crow and the Fox» (How a flatterer can swindle a fool.) «Dog’s friendship» (The fable about two inimical European Kings) «Квартет»

Tales by Michail Saltykov-Shchedrin

«The Reasonable Hare» «The Dray Horse» «The Very Wise Gudgeon» «The Gien»

Fables by Sergey Mikhalkov

«Cats and Mice» «The Fox and the Beaver» «Victims without Fault» «Ruslan and Trezor»

Fables from «The Book for Reading» by Lev Tolstoi

«The Donkey in a Lion’s Clothing» «The Cat and the Mice» «The Mouse under a  granary» «The Wovf and the She-goat»

These pictures to different tales printed in Russian children's magazine "Murzilka"

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Sketches from Nature

The Hamadryad (lithograph) Orioles (a series of Birds pastels) Seagulls (a series of Birds pastels)
Tomtits (a series of Birds pastels) Deer (lithograph)

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