The wolf also wanted to see what the new governor looked like, but he couldn't see him through the leaves. He began quietly scraping the leaves in front of him away. Felix Ivanovich heard the leaves rustling and thought there was a mouse there. He leaped straight into the pile and stuck his claws into the wolf's face.
That frightened the wolf out of his wits and off he ran. The cat was frightened too, when he saw the wolf, and climbed up the tree on which the bear was perched.
"Now he's after me," thought the bear.
Poor Bruin couldn't climb down, the cat was in his way, so he flopped on to the ground with a big crash. All his insides were shaken up, but he jumped to his feet and ran.
"Run, run, before he gets you!" shouted the fox to the bear and the wolf as they ran away.
Since then all the animals in the forest have been afraid of the cat. The cat and the fox had enough meat for the whole winter and lived happily together. And they are still living happily married in that forest.